Monday, August 10, 2015

Taking Care Every Day

I was recently at a retreat for specifically for mothers and the theme was self-care.  I found myself in the middle of a workshop saying to myself, "teachers need this."  In the business of teaching, there are a lot of demands.  Students need your attention, parents need your expertise, and administration needs your support. There are often high expectations, relatively low wages, lots of tasks and few supplies.  I often tell people that being a teacher is like being a mother, you just have to be one to understand.  Like mothers we often work for the benefit of our children and neglect ourselves.

Here's a list of 5 small ways teacher's can take care of themselves every day.

  1. Take Lunch - So simple, but so hard.  By my own estimate, every day 60-80% do not take lunch during the school day. Even worse, 20-40% do not take lunch at all.  Terrible.  Make it a priority to sit down and eat your lunch.  No exceptions/excuses. 
  2. Take a Walk - Most teachers walk their students through the hallways, but few just take a walk by themselves.  Every day during your planning period take a walk around your building. either inside or better yet litterally around the outside of your build if weather permits.  
  3. Take a Deep Breath - Pick a point in every lesson, for you to take a deep breath.  Maybe it's just after taking attendance, while the students are completing exit tickets, or before you give student directions.  Every day, every lesson find time to take a deep breath. 
  4. Take a Drink - Drinking water is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.  My technique in the classroom is to drink a cup of water every period.  How do you say?  When students ask me for a pass to get water, I drink my cup and ask them to get me a refill while they're out.
  5. Say a prayer - Every day, as soon as I enter class a say a prayer.  Here is a copy of the prayer is use it's The Calling by Roger Fields.  It has been an awesome tool in my life.  Whatever you choose, take time to do something for yourself spiritually every day. 

1 comment:

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